Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Should I get married?

It is the dream of many that one day, they will get married. Some persons even have the age by which they should get married and have kids. It is also the dream, hope or expectation of many that their marriage will last. However, in today's modern society, two things are obvious: a lot of women who wants to get married are yet to realise this dream and the percentage of persons divorcing, especially within the church is increasing considerably. As a result the question of many is, Should I get married? In order to get a lasting marriage, there are certain things to consider.

  1. Why do you want to get married? This is a very important question because so often people go into marriage with just the idea of marriage, but not the understanding of marriage. So the spouse is rich, high society, come from a good family and that is how I see my life...with a rich man/woman who has a name that the world will say she married a ... etc For some it is based on age. I cannot wait no longer I want to get married and so without considering all the other factors they rush for the ring. Others consider the time they are together and no marriage hasn't bee called. Can you believe we together 5 years and nothing, is what he waiting for and before you know it the man feels pressured into marriage. Now this by itself is a blog so can go on to much here. Some look at all their friends get married and married out of envy...'I want to get married to.' Some it is simply to have legal sex. They do not want to fornicate. Now I am not saying that this cannot be in the reasons for getting married but it cannot be the only reason or you should not feel pressured into marriage only for this. 
  2. Do we love each other? So often persons still equate love with 'butterflies in stomach' or attraction. Should you get married and an accident cause your spouse face to burn would you still love her/him and cherish her/him? When you think of him/her, do you think more of giving than receiving? What defines your love? If at every corner you are seeing the physical and tangible things, something is wrong. 1 Corinthians 13 gives some good characteristics of what love is and when the word long suffering is mentioned, it is no lie. Look up and study the meaning of the word and then ask yourself, Do I love him/her?
  3. Are we committed to each other? Right at the top with love is commitment. Many persons claim to love, but cannot commit. I think that is the reason why sometimes people cheat on their spouses but at the end of the day, they would not leave their wife/husband to go with the matey. They love but are not committed (although this is debatable). When you are thinking about marriage, it should not only be about whether or not you are committed, but if both of you are committed to each other. How do you know? Well this might very well be dependent on your experience with your spouse and there is no clear cut way of knowing, but if he has cheated or there are many rumours of cheating, watch yourself. Be vigilant and open when deciding to continue in this relationship to marriage or end it now?
  4. Is there anything I am afraid to say/ask now and is waiting after marriage to say? In thinking about getting married, this is of great importance. Ask and say all the things before and get the reaction/answers. Do not hold back things because you fear he/she will break up with you and you think that after the marriage he would not. NONSENCE! If he doesn't break up with you after you say whatever after marriage, and it was something serious that might have caused a break-up prior to marriage, then your marriage might just move from heaven to hell.
  5. How do we treat each other now? Somehow in relationships, persons put up things for when they get married. That is why so often you hear, this person change etc. The way you behave in your girlfriend/boyfriend relationship should be no different in your marriage, if anything it should get better. The question is therefore, what is the relationship like now, how do you deal with issues, do your argue a lot and use abusive words towards each other, are you CONTENT with each other? Do we compromise, who compromises the most and why, am I willing to live like that.

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