When I first came to Jamaica, my initial contact with a Jamaican man made me conclude that I will NEVER enter into a relationship with a Jamaican man. As time progressed, I stuck to my initial conclusion. I found them to be highly forward in their approach, leaving nothing to the imagination. I remembered the first guy who approached me, asked me if I had a boyfriend, when I responded yes, he stated that once I am not married, I am single. To me they were very full of themselves. I also saw them as unfaithful, searching to see what they can get from you before you return to your island or country. I made up mind no matter how I attractive they were, never a Jamaican.
Still there was something alluring about Jamaica men. Generally, they are well groomed and dress great; in fact some go as far as shaping their eye brows :) When you meet a handsome, well dressed Jamaica and he opens his mouth to address you and is able to cut back tremendously on the forwardness, he can become almost irresistible. Their accent is very strong and manly and it grabs your attention, even the 'magga' man can capture your attention simply by speaking. On this note, word of caution, do not blind date simply by a phone conversation with a Jamaican because what you hear might not add up to what you may see. Still if you add handsome,well dressed, and the accent (proper English or not), physically a lot of women may become attracted to Jamaicans because at the end of the day every woman wants a strong, dominant (not domineering) man in their life and the accent of a Jamaican does command respects.
As time went by, I was able to increase the sample of men from which I drawn my initial conclusion and I became comfortable especially after the females explained a bit more of the culture of Jamaica, very important I found. A vivid example that was used by a colleague was that if a Jamaican man says to a lady "yo pum pum (referring to the vagina) fat", it is actually a compliment that Jamaican ladies will understand. lol Well I surely pointed out that from the little island where I come from, it is a huge disrespect and the man who is brave enough to say it, would never hear the end of it. Still, I was able to tolerate Jamaican men and try at times to explain to them the differences in my culture and the way men home are different. However, I still didn't think I can be with a Jamaica man.
My husband and I |
Today I am married to one, a good one I might add and he takes pleasure in reminding me of what I use to say :) Lesson learnt lol...not all Jamaicans are the same or to put even more generally, the fault of one man cannot be used to judge another man. It can only be used to keep you vigilant :)
I WILL NEVER date or marry one and my reason is I have a 9yr old son who has been denied his father.Most importantly I was beaten and almost killed when I was 6wks pregnant because I refuse to have an abortion all of this by the same man. Jamaican men here in Canada have atleast 3 or 4 babymothers most have proven to be irresponsible deadbeats whose only interest is to use as much women as they can. Eversince I've been living here I've never met a "good" Jamaican man and I don't care too. I too am from the same small island and I would choose my country men any day or any yard man. The ones I see are loud,arrongant,disrespectful,crude and uncultured and uncivilised and that's not someone I want around me or my son. As for being educated trust me here in Toronto majority of these man would prefer drugdealing than a proper education. With that said I found my prince charming in a Nigerian man who has taken my son and is raising him as his own.
ReplyDeleteDon't generalize. Not all Nigerians are better. I married one and he had many women too. They are just more secretive and deceptive which is worst. I still would take a chance with a Jamaican man who is educated. I must say the Nigerian takes care of my son. My sister did not have such luck and was beaten by two of them. I have never been beaten by any man although I am Canadian duppy know who to frighten. My other sister has been beaten by her Baja husband who had a child with a side chick...should I go on about my Japanese friend's daddy who's a cheater and has children outside or my Chinese cousin in law who did the same to my cousin...stop being so narrowed minded...
DeleteYour ignorance and poor judgement is screamingly loud.You can choose to date, or be with the wrong person from any culture,not just Jamaican. You need adult supervision in your choices.If you fall for just about anyone that wears a pants,then you got a serious problem.
DeleteAm married to one and will never date or married one again they are so full of themself give them time and they will surly show you who they really are. I never met a good one and everbody i talk to or met never have nothing good to say about them, all they think about is food and money,you know how much woman out their are rasing their kids without a father and most of them is jamaican father,i will care and love any other small island man but not jamaica,THATS HOW I FEEL ABOUT JAMAICAN MAN
ReplyDeleteCanada is a multicultural North American Country,and i've met all kind of men @ different work places and i've come to the conclusion that i will never date a jamacian or an african man.Jamacian men are very rude and arogant and dresses too tight unlike the african men preferable Nigerian men do 419/fraud or whatever they call it.And i've heard from close sourses that african men wants women they're dating from other countries to dress like their country women and they also quittersize their food and want that woman to love their food.The fact of the matter is not all men are the same,different country different background we all just have to know how to respect each others culture.Even my own country men have fault because they are very jealous and controlling,drinks and have a different personallity when drunk if u know what i mean....you are doing a gr8 job Jazzy :) keep up the good work.
ReplyDeletelearn to SPELL!
DeleteJamaican men, Vincentian men, St Lucian men or simply put men of the Caribbean cannot be labeled as part of a group. I thought I would never date one outside my island but I have since done so with no regrets. People are just people, some bad apples fal in between the good ones but there are good ones nonetheless
ReplyDeleteThank you all for posting your comments and I understand much. Before I came to Jamaica, my mother was not fond of Jamaican men and when I came here, she was not fond of me dating one. According to her, Jamaican men are born with guns. She also had a friend who were killed by a Jamaican man so she was really adamant and I believe that caused me to be. So at the beginning and for a long while I said NEVER, but I must say I met a good Christian one who is educated, and do not drink nor smoke. I understand every one's feelings though, but I must say no matter where you are island or continent, there is some dirty Bozo who also spoiled the fate of good men.
ReplyDeleteSo true. Go for the educated and cultured ones...no matter where they come from...most of all they must be a good person at heart. Most women make the mistake to go after the ones who look good physically, are good in bed but poor in character...
DeleteI think every island or country has its fair share of good and no so good men, one just has to find someone who she is compatible with. Yes we may have cultural differences but if we can learn to understand each other we'll see that we are really one people. Don't let one bad experience spoil your chance of finding love. I love my island men, no matter what island. Hey sometimes we have to kiss a few frogs before we meet our prince!
ReplyDeleteIf your like your man in some tight pannts then a Jamaican is for you. ssshhiittttt.
ReplyDeleteI dated a Jamaican for 4years an I thought he was the best man ever less then a month we moved in together then the cheating the beatens the missing days an night not answering phone to find out for years later he was living with this girl over 10years wow so the whole 4years of my life was a scam he had no money no job an all these different bitches Ian sooo hurt now everyone found out. I tried hard to get him out my home he refused to leave crying saying he gone walk in front of bus I guess no one want him I no I don't what do I do
ReplyDeleteIt seems clear to me that you have already made up your mind when you said, you don't want him. Is he adding to your life or taking from you, does he complement you or suffocate you? Where do you see your life in the next 5 years and do you think he can take you there? Your answer to those questions should help you figure out what to do.
DeleteIam misserable I need out IV been going threw this 4years now every 3months its something with him
ReplyDeleteyou are all redick,,,you cannot judge men by culture ,every man is different and have different values and ways of being.. white men are jus the same rude arrogant , same as haitien and spanish and indian for that matter,,,
ReplyDeletestop judgin men in a group,,,, cus then theyll start judgin us women in groups,,,
It is just a human nature to do such, although it is not right. In every culture, as you say, there are the good men and the bad men. You said men will start judging us women in group? I think they already start. Hopefully we would start individualizing each person as they come, instead of grouping them together. There will be more hope in the world to find good men and women
DeleteI will NEVER date a Jamaican man again. He charmed me and "committed" to me for 9 months. When we finally had sex he disappeared. Thank God for condoms! Dog azz tribe of cavemen.
ReplyDeleteHe is just one bad apple dear. There are the good, the bad and the ugly and you just find yourself with a charming, bad one. There are good ones there. It is just that the bad ones make it bad for all the good one. One day you will find a great one. He may be Jamaican or some other nationality, but he would be just right for you
DeleteI've been seeing this jamaican for 1 year and we're not a couple he never told me his name ... He lies about txt n me he never call me ....he ask me to borrow money ... He smoke 24/7 he like nice things he has no patience everything seem like a big mystery he don't.like to suck pu**y but want me.to suck on him theres time.I don't hear from him from months then pop up nd blame it all on me saying I'm always busy he always invite me to family gatherings but when the time come it never happen he don't kissing me he promise me all these thangs but feel like he's lying I'm Haitian so I kinda no about island man nd there ways ... He's very charming but when I go sleep at, his house he don't cuddle with me he sleep on, one said nd I sleep on one ... I feel like I maybe in love with him but my gut tells me he is dishonest and sneaky nd I feel like that's alot I don't no about him how do you think I should come about ?
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late response. It seems to me that if you write a list with all the positive and negatives for this man, you will end up with more negatives. Jamaican men can be charming and very alluring so you can't let that take you over. You need to figure out, apart from the physical, what about him you like and do you see a future with someone who smokes regularly, dont give you much attention, likes to borrow money, dont romance you, don't give you oral etc, just to mention some of the times you said. Answering that question will assist you in how you go about it. What do you want...a serious relationship, a sexual relationship or just a flirt?
DeleteI recently went to Jamaica in March of 2013 to visit a friend who was there for 3 months. She was there because 2 yrs ago she met someone, this man ended up using her for her money, lying, and cheating. I told my friend please I don't want to meet anyone I just want to enjoy myself. I was there for total of 10 days. I stayed at a cute little place in Negril and kept seeing the same man, but he never spoke, I did ask about him and people said he keeps to his self and is mean. On the 8th day I went on a sunset cruise and guess who was the captain.. he was!! We ended up talking that night and the next morning he was there again. We spent the day together off and on, then that night we sat outside talk until 3:00 in the morning. When we realized what time it was I told him he could stay with me but NO SEX!!!(I was a little scared thinking he was just wanting to have sex.) He was the perfect gentlemen, just a kiss
ReplyDelete!! That morning we got up and he stayed with me until I left. We stayed in contact from the time I reached the states , talking on he phone everyday and the on FB, and he was the one doing ALL the calling. 1 month later I was going back, I was falling so in love. I stayed for 5 days and he didn't leave my side. I am now so much in love. He says he is and says he wants us to marry, something I would love to do but I am so scared.do you have any advice for me??
Falling in love is such a beautiful thing and during this time, there are so many questions because no one wants to get hurt. You listen to some many people, some who have positive things to say, others negative, but at the end of the day, I will say follow your heart. My greatest piece of advice for you is TIME, give your relationship time. It is 3 months so far and besides the bliss of love, all the feelings you have, time is still needed to observe the true nature of this person. It is good he wants to marry and not just have sex, but as all married people, including myself, will tell you, marriage is not simply a bed of roses and even if it is, it is filled with thorns. Give yourself time to see how he reacts to certain things, to spend more time with each other, to figure out that it is not simply an American citizenship this person seeks, but you and solely you. It is not going to be easy, given your distance, but if this is the real deal, you really don't want to make a hasty decision. Take your time, enjoy each other and see what transpires. I particularly like men who are reserved so keeping to himself is not a big deal, but why did people call him mean? Maybe that is something you might want to give time so you can understand. All the best and I hope my advice helps.
DeleteI'm really glad that your experience turned out well and I can totally relate to the 'irresistibility' factor as I too felt that way once upon a time. However, as a woman burned once too often by and used to hearing the exact same lyrics come out of the mouths of Jamaican men over here in the UK, I am sticking by my decision to completely eradicate men from that nation from my dating sphere. So turned off am I that when a man opens his mouth and a Jamaican accent proceeds forth, a red light and alarm bells LITERALLY start ringing in my head. I'm out.
ReplyDeleteLast July I met a Jamaican man here in Canada he was working in the town I live, the night I met him he begged me for my number I finally gave in and gave it to him that was the biggest mistake of my life that night I told him I wasn't interested in him because I knew what Jamaican men are like I asked him how many kids he had and how many baby mommas he laughed and replied 5 kids 3 mothers I said that's exactly why I don't want to date you, fast forward a few months after cooking me dinners takin me out I finally fell for him we were inseparable till he left to go back to his town in October, it broke my heart but he swore I could come see him and even planned to take me Jamaica to meet his family, I ended up goin to see him in November he got us a hotel because he wanted to have a romantic weekend etc that's when I realized he was lying but by then I was so in love with him I chose not to see the warning signs. In January of this year he took me to Jamaica his brothers who hadn't seen in 8 yrs were there from England we attended his fathers 9 night I met his entire family mother, sisters, aunts and so on it was honestly the best 10 days I had, till the night before I left he was sleeping and his phone wouldn't not stop so I took down the number and called the next day when I arrived back in Canada it turned out to be his wife. She told me how they have been married for 10 yrs he doesn't have 5 children but 7 and there are 6 baby mommas all but 2 were with her and most were born during their marriage I was devastated I apologized to her and hung up. Since then he has called me text me tellin me I ruined his life he hates me then calls the next day to say he loves me I have been dealing with this for 6 months! All I can say is when you cross a Jamaican mans path run the other way quickly because they are nothing but pain and heartache
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. I'll tell you this though, some are actually nice and you said it yourself, you saw the warning signs and ignore them and eventually fell in love. It is easy to happen because as I stated Jamaican men can be very alluring, so you have to be very vigilant and careful, but do not write off all of them, there are some good ones here in Jamaica :) I do feel your pain being drag through such an ordeal and very much understand your decision.
DeleteThis one cracked me up. These women fall in love so quickly and easily.
DeleteI'm 17 and I'm dating a Jamaican guy who's 16...and at first when I met him at a party he was so sweet and nice and when we were dating for a month, He started acting different he was controlling checked my twitter, Facebook, and instagram to look at what I was posting and who I was talking too. I'm best friends with my Ex boyfriend because we've known each other since we were 7 years old and were just have a bond...he told me that I couldn't talk to him and he couldn't text me. Also, He got mad because I'm applying to Colleges out of state and he doesn't want me to go, he wants me to go to a Community College in stay in state and not leave him since he's a year younger and I'm not with community college when I have a 3.4 GPA and I can get into whichever college I want. When I told him that he slammed my bedroom door and locked me out of it for about 2 minutes then he screamed in my face and after I just said sorry but I'm not staying In State and he played the victim role trying to turn it around. He has put his hands on me before and I broke up with him about 4 days ago. Lastly, I lost my virginity to him and we've had sex twice when we went out and he tried to get me pregnant, and I cant do this like he makes me feel like I'm worthless and he then plays victim. He's stalking me and I told my mom and stepdad yesterday and there ready to kill him. But I do have Jamaican blood in me but I don't know anything about the culture my real dad is Jamaican but he was deported out of the U.S. back to Jamaica for whatever reasons, but I have no respect for him, he doesn't even know my birthday! I'm sorry I'm just venting.
ReplyDeleteThe first month is always the sweetest honey, in any relationship. No man show their true colours in the early parts of the relationship....Still, you are very intelligent young lady and I am certain that you do not want to feel that stress and controlled so early in your life. You are at the age when you should be dating and enjoying yourself. You are not married and he does not own you. I also believe that no single woman should hold up their life, including their education for any man. You are not married. That's too much sacrifice at your age. So you choose to go community college and then the relationship ends, what does that mean for you? Do you see yourself going any further with a 16 years old who is already doing this to you? What is happening has nothing to do with Jamaican blood or culture... it has to do with a young boy, who feels that by exercising such authority he is a man to you. You have a serious decision to make, based on all that you have written, but I would not say in any way, it is a tough decision. Best of luck to you and all the best in your studies.
DeleteLadies ladies laaaaadddiiieeesss ugh when will we ever learn that all men are not the same. If you keep attracting the same man then it is you. Im tired of every time a woman is upset she never stops and thinks that she may have brought baggage with her or her nagging drove him away she enabled him to cheat or whatever stop and think if you jump into a new relationship every year then hun it is YOU
ReplyDeleteI just broke up with my Jamaican man.a total nightmare. He is a lying cheating scum bag.I was verbally and financialy abuse by him.he never had any money. Always beg for money food sex and for me to pay his bills. He also cuss me and said I was infertile ,funny when i was totally done with him for good I meet a new Guy who treat me like a queen and now we are pregnant. I will never ever date another Jamaican man.they are too illiterate, sell drugs lazy bastards who likes to abuse women and take their money. They are very promiscuous too.never again!
ReplyDeleteEr.. based on the grammatical errors in your comment, I don't think you are qualified to call anyone else illiterate.
DeleteWhere I come from, they just marry us to get advancement in life. A Jamaican man always have "their righty woman" that's a Jamaican woman. In my country, no one can say that there has been a successful marriage between a Jamaican and our country women. Mine showed his true colors after three years of marriage. He brought his woman right into my house said she was his brother's woman.She was supposed to be the nanny for my child but people told me that my child was all over the place alone while the two of them were in my house.If they bring a Jamaican of the opposite sex into your house or spends a lot of time with one and says it's their uncle/aunt/sister/brother set for them. I guarantee you will find them bedding them.
ReplyDeleteI decided to give this jamaican man a chance to see what e wanted with me since he has persued me for almost 2 years. I treated him like crap on the phone and ran the other way when I seen him shopping around in my town. He has been working here for 12 years now in my town. We have been seeing each other for 2 months now. I still continued to treat him not so nice but he keeps wanting to be with me. He says he knows, my kind of lady. I am bossy and want and will have my own way. He says he accepts that because he knew by the way I talked and treated him before I decided to spend any time wih him. We spent alot of time talking and we have the same background and beliefs. He knows how I feel or things I am going to say before I do. He knows me so well it's scarey. I realy like him alot but won't admit how much. He has met my family and they like him too. When he goes home for 4 months to jamaica, I will stay with him and his mother for 2 weeks. He spends his money on me and wants to take care of me. Next year when he comes back we will consider getting married we are both in our 40's. I'm divorced and he's never been married. I have another year to think about this. I'm not inlove YET. For me that takes alot of time.
ReplyDeleteMy Jamaican man has no kids, works ridiculously long hours, has principles and respect, values my intelligence, is honest (even when I would rather he wasn't) he's funny and sweet, he has a very even temperament and makes no attempt to control me, he has no desire to leave Jamaica but is going to because it's the only way we can be together, he's thoughtful and asks me for nothing, he rings 3 times a day and I can get him on the phone instantly anytime of the day or night, he tells me how beautiful I am and that he loves me a dozen times a day :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I said I was thinking I'd love to give him a baby he said 'I'd really love that but if you have my baby you must be my wife'
Oh yes, and he's a proper bedroom bully too! :)
I think I have the best man in Jamaica!
Great to have someone posted something positive about Jamaican men. It goes to show all is not the same. Thank you
DeleteWoW, Very Impressive! I think you covered all the major areas.
ReplyDeleteHi. I just met a Jamaican guy on the last days of my journey in Jamaica. Now every day we are talking on facebook or skype or email. I would really like to know him better, so he is already planning a trip here, money is not a problem at his family. I would really like to know him better and not rush into things. I just dont know what to think, i think i trust him, but i am not 100% sure. Any advice (im from Europe). Sorry if i spelled something wrong.
ReplyDeleteEverything in life is about taking a chance. When it comes to men, Jamaican or otherwise, you can never be a 100% certain you can trust them, especially early in the relationship. I always believed in giving a man a chance to proof themselves though, unless he does something wrong. You can never really know what it is going on unless you do that. I will advise you to be vigilant while enjoying your friendship that hopefully will lead into a budding relationship. Too often, we get caught up in the feelings...the roses, long hours chatting, heart palpitating, anxiety for the next phone call/skype chat, that we become blinded at other things that might be showing their ugly faces then and there. So look out for little things, whether he seems too controlling or possessive, curse etc...things that you made up your mind long time that you would not stand for or compromise with. I hope for the best for you. We all want happiness.
DeleteI was in Jamaica 2012 and met this young man who claimed me as his future wife the moment he saw me. I did not believe him and thought he was joking, and I literally laughed in his face I told him that I was to old for him. We are 8 years apart, and I there is no way that this will work out. He asked me to give him a chance. I gave him my # and he actually called me the day I came back to the U.S. We have been talking ever since. He has had his short term flings as so have I, and we have shared it with each other as well. He states he is in love with me and we are talking about marriage since this year will make it 2 years since we have been in this long distance relationship. I have spoken with one of his sisters, mother, and 2 of his friends so they all know about me. He has been there to listen to me when times were rough, I had an aneurysm at the beginning of 2013, and he still continued to call as much as he could. Towards the end of 2013 he was beginning to feel discouraged that we were never going to work out and he started dating another girl, but it did not last long. He stated that all he could think of was me and that he realized I'm the one he wants. I told him he really hurt my feelings and broke my trust and that he will have to win it over. He is now putting in the time to win my trust over again. Even his friends say they can't wait to see me. For a young man of 21, he seems to have his mind set on being with me and ok with me being 29.....he says age ain't nothing but a number. I feel positive about him and us, but some advice is welcomed on my story....please and thank you.
ReplyDeleteAfter one month on fb..he wanted to marry me...after 5 months of begging he stopped All contact after i told him for the third time I will never marry a man I don't know
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how I got here on this site but I am glad I did. As a Jamaican man living in Jamaica and reading all these unfortunate things that had happen to these ladies by Jamaican man it makes me sad to know that you had been mistreated, use, lied to and abuse by these men and you all deserve better, but please do not generalize all Jamaican men to be like this,there are good, honest and caring Jamaican guys out there, just as there good and bad in all races of men its the same for Jamaican men.Remember be Jamaican is just a nationality it does not determining if the persons is good or bad. A real man knows how to love,respect and treat his woman right, whether if his Jamaican or not.
ReplyDeleteONE LOVE. :)
I met a Jamaican man online. It was a christian website. He said he worked for an oil company and was getting ready to retire. Widower and he had one son. We had what I thought was a real relationship for 13 months. We emailed, Im at least every day. We talked on the telephone at least once a week. He even wanted me to call him before he would start his day. He made me feel really special. He was never rude always very polite and complimentary. We would even pray together. I had just lost my mom the month I met him. He ended up telling me about this business investment. Which now I see the red flags but he ended up scamming me out of $16,000. It wasn't all at once. But the last time I gave him money in October he was suppose to come and join me here in the US. He then claim he son was in the hospital and needed a kidney. He was such a good liar. He left me with loans and took part of my retirement money. I am a struggling single parent. I let him know upfront that I wasn't load and what kind of job I had. How he could do this to me or any other person is beyond me. But what goes around comes back around. I hope he gets caught so no one else will have to go through what he has taken me through. I now am very hesitate to talk to any foreign men or go on any dating sites. I learned a valuable lesson women be very careful about the men you meet.
ReplyDeleteI met a jamaican man over 10 years ago..we were older teens and had fun together then...i recently went back and saw him on my travels as he lives near my family, we are both grown with children now, he reminisced about the years before when we first met & instantly started talking to me about how he wanted to get me pregnant before I left the island..and move to my country to live with me and my child (his said his brother did this exact thing with an american girl and ended up in america because of it) i was taken back...he barely knows me now & he has a baby mother and 3 children in jamaica that he lives with ...so why would he want to leave them for a woman he hasn't seen in years? I figured for a greencard or visa? I told him that life in foreign isnt easy and to think rationally. We spoke everyday for 2 weeks when I returned home but when I made it clear I would never have a child for him & just wanted us to remain friends like we used to be he cut all contact and I haven't heard from him since. is he a typical user.... or??? Just Be careful ladies.
ReplyDeleteI met a Jamaican /American man online in August. we kind of started emailing again October 2014. but By November to December,he was telling me that he loved me, because he was actually on the website looking for a possible wife or a long term relationship. we're still talking and he is very mature, intelligent and sweet, not to mention handsome. I am very much in love with him, but I am very much scared of what might happen and what his intentions are. I hope he is for real. I will see where this goes, but , ladies out there, never send anyone money that you have never met! if he is not real or who he says he is, I will be devastated. I will be okay though, however, he will not be, because God will punish him far more than I can! wish me luck!
ReplyDeleteIfm falling in love with a jamaican man 11 yrs my junior. We met online and he lives in his country and I'm from the states. He was born in st. Catherine and raised in Christiana. In the beginning of our getting to know one another I asked a ton of questions and still do. Every thing that I've asked and he's voluntarily told me panned out to be true. How do I know, because I have friends from jamaica and friends living in jamaica. Ladies/Gentlemen when a person lies they have to remember what they've said, and I've tested him in that area as well. I however; I have a slight reservation, I have issues with trusting men and we're so far apart certainly doesn't help. He's like he has to constantly reassure me on everything like his work, housing, if he has kids, girlfriends or even if someone is pregnant. I'm not oblivious to believe he's practicing celibacy so I try not to think about it, all I know is he's available for me at times and we literally have falling asleep while being on the phone for hrs with each other. I know when he's on the streets because I hear the buses in the car horns, I know when he's at work because I hear the noise from the machinery, I know when he's at the bar because I hear the music he literall.y tells me most All concerning him. I feel like I have pushed him to the point of insanity and he has not once raised his voice aura hung the phone up on me or called me out of my name. I even accused the man of using credit on his phone to talk to other women he begged me to count the minutes, once I counted up the minutes to seconds that we've talked it added up that we were indeed talking to each other all of that time. I cried because I accused of something that wasn't true. he seems to be a good guy not your stereotypical Jamaican men. I'm certainly not saying he's perfect but I know within my gut that he's a really good guy with good intentions and I don't want to run him away but being in a long distance relationship it can get frustrating and costly. Any advice on what I should do? 🔰👒💰 Thank you
ReplyDeletenot to put a damper on your budding romance but... my ex fiancee did ALL of that.. he would even have his friends come on line and speak with me.. It got so that i went to jamaica and stayed with him for 3 weeks..it was amazing. So much so that when i came back to Canada i saved to go back 7 weeks later and this time was different.. I brought my son because he was a single dad and we were going to start merging our families because he had on the previous vacay proposed. it had great moments and there was bad ones.. i was nauseous, sad, and hormonal..yup you guessed it when i came home the day after i went to doctors and i was pregnant with 3 babies.. he was excited. the day after we decided to put up our wedding announcement on FB then hell broke loose. The day after he called to tell me it was over.. no reason, other then i was crying and it bothered him.. forward 2 weeks, i found out he had been cheating ALOT, he is now back with his sons mother, who he swore hed never go back with and i am 14 weeks pregnant and you guessed it he has had no contact. So, ladies, they will take your money, they will take your dignity, they will take your heart and they will throw it away and never look back.. Be careful.. He was smooth and did EVERYTHING right..
DeleteI just don't trust them. If you think a young, handsome Jamaican man is in his country, first of all is actually single and waiting on you around all those beautiful, flexible island women and the tourists going to and fro every single day you are out of your mind...but good luck. 9 times out of 10 honey you are a top up, a WU or a potential green card and they are very patient, that long con is nothing to them and chances are he is working on others simultaneously in case you don't work out. Why do you think they have such a large internet footprint? Don't play yourself.
ReplyDeleteTo add to the above.. met an amazing man.. he was the man of my dreams..he told me the same. It was perfect. so much so that he proposed in a restaurant. it was amazing..that was 3 months ago. Then 2 weeks ago, we were surprised to find out we were pregnant with triplets.. amazing right? not so much, the next day he said he was looking at pics of us and decided that he couldnt be with me anymore... and you guessed it, he blocked me and i have no contact with him or his family and i am now 14 weeks pregnant.. So, all that glitters isnt gold ladies.. oh, and he went back to the ex girlfriend who he swore he wasnt seeing, you know that story.. So heed my warning before its too late.. The pain is devastating be cautious please!
ReplyDeleteI wish people would stop generalizing men. In every country there are disgusting men. Some chose Jamaicans but it never worked out. Others look for Trini, American, Chinese, Indian and get a beating of a life time. I prefer Asians and persons of mix races but at the end of the day YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU GETTING UNTIL YOU TRY!!! In Jamaica we say 'Puss and dog nuh have di same luck!" Don't forget, the same way you generalize Jamaican men, it is the same way men are generalizing women form your country or race. Is it all true what they are saying? No. There is something amazing in men from different countries that makes them special and unique. It's just up to you to find a good one!
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, I don't even know how I ended up on this page or maybe I can say that it's because sometime we are scared about we don't know...cultural differences sometime scare you... I just moved in Uk and met this Jamaican guy who does the street cleaner here. I never had problems to relate to people of different cultures,colour or social difference...but I think the last issue starts to matter to me... I really like this guy,I mean ,I was really attracted form the first time and when he asked me my number he gave it to me but he was really discrete, He waited before texting me and the first time we met he told me he felt like that a "complex"woman like me had talked to him and was now going out with him. He told me most people in the street wouldn't even talk to him because of his job. For me wasn't a big problem till the moment we went for dinner together and I found out that he wasn't really mannered...moreover he can't speak properly, and it's difficult for me to understand,but besides this, I still felt like I felt attraction and didn't want to give much importance to that. The point is everything is ok when it's just me and him, and if in the beginning I thought we could maybe just meet to have sex because I was attracted and he made me feel special,now I feel that by the way I feel him, but when I think about our differences ad interests and moreover he told me he doesn't like I talk to other men, and after we have sex he always reminds me that "pun pun is mine"(it's scaring!),I dont' know if I can keep on with this. He doesn't use drugs, he works hard, he has more than one job because he sends back money to Jamaica, he hasn't asked me any money or taking advantage of me,.I just feel frustrated because sometimes unconsciounsly even if we think we are all same,you feel that education differences make a lot. I can't share the things I like with him: museums, art , cinema etc But I really care about him and don't know what to do. He makes me feel alive....
ReplyDeleteStay away from keiwa labeach he's a liar and a user
ReplyDeleteStay away from keiwa labeach he's a liar and a user
ReplyDeleteRespect and I have a swell present: House Renovation house renovation salary