Monday, 4 June 2012

The Professional Look: No messy head hairdresser, sluggish doctor or big belly policeman

I believe firmly that when you decide to take on a career, there are certain attributes that go along with it these are my reasons:

  • HAIRDRESSERS- When I go to any hair dresser, I automatically look at their hair. Too often, hair dressers want to tell you how to take care of your hair even suggest products and cut your hair etc when they are not taking their own advice. Have you ever go into a salon and see a hair dresser with her hair untidy, a lot of split ends from the bleaching that was done, the front 'eat up, eat up' because she insist on placing gel on it over and over again, the weave either on the verge of dropping out or you can see the threads? Well I don't know about you, but I have seen all that I have listed and I normally request the person who I want to fix my hair. I am also not to particular about ball head hair dressers, but that is my own bias that I look over at times, simply because I am scared to death when they ask if you want your hair clip. Too often, I look at my hair after and wonder if they thought I said cut. 
  • DOCTORS- Recently, I visited a doctor, not my usual, but as I looked at her, I wondered if there was a medical reason for her high tummy. I do not think her physical structure affects her ability to do her job great in no way, but I couldn't help but wonder and it so often happen to me. If it is not a medical reason for your situation and you cannot get down your belly, how would I get down mines, I usually think. I really believe that doctors should eat healthy and do their regular exercises even if the world does not follow, simply because they are doctors and an inspiration to people like me. So I do not like to go to sluggish doctors, who seem physically unfit and I do not mean fat doctors, unless they are overweight. I am truly motivated by doctors who seem to practice what they preach. 
  • POLICEMEN AND SECURITY GUARDS- As I listened to the Comedian, Candy Man, the other night, I was in total agreement; too many big belly police officers and I would add security guards. This is simply my opinion. I know work is hard to find and every body needs a job, BUT, if you are putting someone on the street as security to possibly run down and stop a thief, then that person should be physically fit. I would not let a big belly, fat police officer who seems to spend more time driving around in his vehicle eating burgers out run me and I am no Usain Bolt. What about a thief whose adrenaline is pumping? If it is about work, keep some behind desks to shuffle paper and put the fit ones out there. 
Now these are just 3 professions, I observe, but I am sure that you might have a couple you want to add. What I have stated as I said is just my opinion, you might feel differently or share the same views, whatever the case looking forward to hear from you. 

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